All Features articles – Page 6
Insuring the uninsurable
Reinsurers face a future of ever-increasing catastrophe losses. The World Bank’s Eugene Gurenko discusses the industry’s role in an age of climate change.
CAT modelling
The industry’s confidence in catastrophe models was tested in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina defied loss expectations. In our latest survey, Global Reinsurance asked readers how they feel about the models now. Helen Yates presents the results.
Washed away
Amidst continued recovery from the Midwestern floods and heightened concerns regarding the US levee and dam infrastructure, the insurance industry braces itself for the onset of the hurricane season
The silent revolution
One by one, reinsurers are restructuring and relocating their European insurance headquarters. Mark Batten and Jim Bichard investigate the drivers behind this mass migration.
Preventing a tailspin
It’s becoming a buyer’s market but the signs are good that reinsurers will stand their ground at mid-year. Chris Klein predicts a long glide down.
Putting ILS to the test
The hype over cat bonds has been sustained by three years of dramatic growth. But can the good times last? Charles Thresh and Jonathon Lane consider the threat of the credit crunch to this burgeoning asset class.
Will subprime fuel run-off?
It could be years before the full force of the credit crunch is felt by the insurance markets, as Michael Cook explains. So are initial reports of unscathed insurers premature?
Taking a fresh look
Solvency II will have a greater impact on run-off in Europe than the credit crunch. Those are the predictions, discovers Liz Booth. The new regulations will force companies to think more strategically and to consider exit solutions for their dead wood.
An elegant solution
Only a few years have passed since cat bonds were commonly described as “an elegant solution in search of a problem”. They have since become a vital tool in the risk transfer armoury, but will they remain there? asks Mark Hvidsten.
The next industry changing loss
Only three years have passed since Hurricane Katrina sent three Bermuda reinsurers into run-off. Amanda Atkins considers what impact another major catastrophe could have on the market in 2008.
Breaking with tradition
Sidecars have come and gone – at least for the time being – and cat bonds are continuing an upward surge. As Lloyd’s continues its foray into non-traditional reinsurance, David Banks asks if the market is ready to embrace the full range of capital market options.
Holding back the rates
It became everyone’s favourite buzzword during the record years of 2006 and 2007. Now with falling earnings, increased competition and subprime losses, it’s time to put ERM to the test, argues Ronald Gift Mullins.
Lighting the way forward
In a competitive sector, another year of record profits and benign catastrophe losses are simply exerting more downward pressure on energy reinsurance rates. But there is still some opportunity for reinsurers, discovers Jon Guy.
Captive king
Despite its grand ambitions, the Cayman Islands is not yet a serious rival to Bermuda’s reinsurance crown. But it is the world’s second-largest captive jurisdiction. Ana Paula Nacif reports.
Bermuda shorts in Lloyd’s
Bermudians flocked to Lloyd’s last year, driven by the need to diversify into new markets. Given the two-way traffic between the jurisdictions, do Bermudians and Londoners make a natural fit? Or are Bermuda shorts proving a chilly option for Lloyd’s? Mairi Mallon investigates.
Tomorrow’s talent
The Lion City roars, but what now for the cubs? Simon Wilson looks at how the development of local talent and skills will be the lifeblood for future growth in the Asian insurance market.
Fool's gold?
The excitement surrounding China belies the reality of the significant challenges ahead. Marcus Alcock likens the enthusiasm to the Californian gold rush of 1848.
Real discipline
Are the days of boom and bust over? Ronald Gift Mullins asks if we are starting to see true evidence of underwriting discipline or is it just the calm before the storm?
Ready for takeoff
The Gulf insurance market is set to double in the next three years to reach $4bn. Geoff Bromley takes a look at what is driving this incredible growth.
Jumping through hoops
Concerns are being raised that European regulation is becoming too stifling and could echo the stringent US model. Liz Booth investigates.