The reinsurer has entered the accelerator’s eighth cohort with an ESG proposition

Swiss Re has entered Lloyd’s Lab with an ESG proposition, as the 10-week acceleration programme begins.

The idea is for a prototype that will collect and examine ESG data about private firms for insurance companies to help insurance portfolios de-carbonise.

This idea originates from a so-called “gap” in the ESG private company data space and how insurers currently visualise ESG data. 

Swiss Re aims to develop a prototype that is clickable to collect this data – it explained that the prototype would be targeted at insurers that do not currently have access to this data. 

Lloyd’s Lab is an innovation acceleration programme for insurance startups run by Lloyd’s of London.

Home for innovation

In March, Lloyd’s Lab revealed its eighth cohort, selecting businesses with a climate change and de-carbonisation angle.

The current eighth cohort began today (25 April 2022) and will run for a period of 10 weeks.

Ed Gaze, senior manager at Lloyd’s Lab, said: “It’s really fantastic to have Swiss Re coming to work with us in the Lloyd’s Lab.

”The lab is a natural home for innovation and the ideal place to road-test new ideas, especially on important issues like making sure insurers have access to necessary and robust ESG data.

”I’m excited to see how their idea develops during the 10 week programme.”