All ROW articles – Page 7
All eyes on the Gulf
Conferences in Qatar and Dubai highlight growing reinsurance opportunities
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Gulf reinsurer launched by Arch and GIC
Gulf Re, a reinsurer based in the Gulf Cooperation Council region, has been launched by Arch Capital and Gulf Investment Corporation at the World Insurance Forum in Dubai.
Levene: Gulf becoming riskier place
Strong risk management is essential, Lord Levene warns delegates in Qatar
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Flagstone buys stake in South African reinsurer
Bermudian reinsurer will acquire 65% of Imperial Reinsurance Company
Ready for takeoff
The Gulf insurance market is set to double in the next three years to reach $4bn. Geoff Bromley takes a look at what is driving this incredible growth.
Industry Matters
Paradise threatened?
Steven Ader asks if Bermuda can survive in the face of fierce competition.
Editor's Note
Desert stampede
The fallout of subprime will be felt more keenly in today's global village than ever before
Industry Matters
Learning curve
Dr Simon Young looks at the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility after almost a year in existence.
GR Focus
Counting the cost
With the cost of red tape leaping a dramatic £10bn to £66bn a year in the UK alone, a new Norton Rose survey reveals how insurers and reinsurers really feel about regulation. James Bateson reports.
Black gold rush
There is a rush on. In case anyone failed to notice – reinsurance companies are scrabbling to set up shop in the Middle East. Mairi Mallon reports.
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Terrorism insurance take-up slow
Willis conference reveals low insurance spend on terrorism and related classes
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Another record year for Munich Re
Reinsurer to return over EUR1bn to shareholders after record profits of EUR3.9bn
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Ireland pledges $2.4m to Caribbean cat pool
Almost $70m raised in the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility's first year
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Best rates Barbados-based CIBC Re
Life and health reinsurer’s parent is the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Heath Lambert market review
"Horrific" loss of life but benign catastrophe year mean losses retained by primaries
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Aon in massive restructure
Broker to integrate risk and insurance broking services into Aon Risk Services