All Archive articles – Page 5

  • Country Analysis

    Jordan takes off


    Insurers in Jordan are riding on the back of an economic boom, albeit modest compared to the Gulf states, and regulators are nurturing premium growth via a strict application of the rulebook, as David Banks discovers.

  • Investment Analysis

    ILS is here to stay


    Martin Davies analyses the state of ILS investment, how different players make price comparisons, and the impact on the reinsurance markets.

  • Features

    Uncertainty in Florida


    The credit crunch has deepened concerns over the adequacy of catastrophe funds in Florida, writes Liz Booth.

  • Industry Matters

    The erosion in shareholder’s equity


    Q3 2008 was a challenging quarter for reinsurers, writes Mark Rouck.

  • Industry Matters

    No more excuses on e-placing


    The placing of reinsurance business electronically is probably the most prolonged quest for a Holy Grail since the Knights of King Arthur, argues Jeff Ward.

  • GR Focus

    Electronic Lloyd's


    The future of Lloyd’s depends on the skill with which it deploys technology. Stephen Breen reports from the Xchanging conference in Brighton, UK.

  • GR Focus

    Throwing down the gauntlet


    Rob Gillies of the LMA examines the impact of European Commission initiatives on subscription markets

  • Industry Matters

    Demonstrating true value


    In these challenging times, reinsurers and brokers have a game-changing opportunity to demonstrate their true value, says Julian James.

  • Features

    Data quality matters


    The strength of decisions can only be as good as assumptions. In catastrophe modelling, Kenna Mawk writes, high-quality data has become a competitive necessity.

  • Editor's Note

    Coming soon: the hard market


    The reinsurance market appears close to a turning point. Rates typically rise following a major disaster, such as an especially bad series of hurricanes or the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The last market turn was in 2005, when Katrina and other hurricanes caused massive losses. Today, severe losses caused by ...

  • Analysis

    Takaful's time has come


    Takaful, the Islamic form of insurance, is growing quickly due to demand for Islamic financial products. It is a Sharia requirement for Takaful companies to cede to Islamic reinsurers where possible. Mairi Mallon interviews the CEO of Takaful Re.

  • CEO Q&A

    CEO Q&A: David Ross


    An interview with David Ross, the chief executive officer of brokers Arthur J Gallagher (UK).

  • Investment Analysis

    Rethinking cat bonds


    David Sandham reports on how the cat bond market is currently on hold while key participants sort out how to provide greater transparency and stronger rules for underlying assets.

  • GR Focus

    Subprime rot spreads


    The credit crisis is an example of systemic risk, whereby the effects of a crisis in one area of the economy quickly spread to a wide range of others, writes David Sandham

  • GR Focus

    Underwriting profits to the rescue


    With (re)insurers hit by big investment losses, the pressure is on underwriting profits to save the day, writes Ronald Gift Mullins

  • GR Focus

    Legal mountain


    One of the major impacts of the credit crunch on the insurance sector is the large number of Directors & Officers and Errors & Omissions claims that are expected to be filed. David Sandham assesses the damage.

  • Features

    Fly me to the moon


    Sir Richard Branson has a dream, and a bold message for insurers and reinsurers. Not only does he intend to corner the space tourism market, he plans to insure his space launches under aviation – not space – insurance. David Banks spoke to Virgin Galactic to find out more.

  • GR Focus

    How the mighty have fallen


    Ronald Gift Mullins reviews what went wrong at the insurance giant.

  • Country Analysis

    The last false dawn


    An economic boom and the advance of takaful are two trends which mean the much-anticipated retention of Arabian reinsurance premium is beginning to take off, writes David Banks.

  • Features

    Pick of the crop


    Bermudians are looking for ways to get into the US agricultural insurance market, writes Mairi Mallon.