All environmental risks articles
Specialty veteran Boren to lead new Mosaic advisory board
Joe Boren is a former AIG and Ironshore 50-year career veteran in global specialty insurance, focused on environmental business.
Companies with higher ESG ratings are a better risk - study
Environmental ratings have the strongest correlation with loss ratios, according to the analysis by Howden and Fidelis
Re/insurers adapt underwriting to better price climate risks
Conduct risks such as ‘greenwashing’ stand to be major source of environmental liability claims
Ariel Re provides Ecogensus with performance guarantee cover
Lloyd’s Syndicate 1910 provides insurance coverage to backstop comprehensive performance guarantees for Ecogensus’ recyclers
Environmental risks, climate change threatens megacities
Firms must align climate risk assessments with the recommendations of the TCFD to build greater resilience - Verisk Maplecroft