All Run-off articles – Page 8

  • Supplements

    Valuing run-off


    The KPMG/Association of Run-Off Companies Run-Off Survey 2005 put the UK non-life run-off market at £38.4bn, or 23% of the total non-life liabilities, and the life run-off market at £135bn, representing 14% of the total UK life market.

  • Supplements



    Tore Kalmeborg: We have a very good cross-section of the market here today, and therefore perhaps a good starter question is to ask what the key factors are which have contributed to the dramatic growth of the international run-off market and whether this growth will be sustainable going forward? Lee ...

  • GR Focus

    The run-off gatekeeper


    Is the role of the broker that of doctor or mortician when it comes to the run-off market? ask Stephanie Mocatta and Richard Whatton

  • GR Focus

    Starting a new chapter


    The Mutuelle du Mans Assurance Account Chapter 15 decision has given rise to a series of "firsts", according to Selinda Melnik

  • GR Focus

    The catalyst for growth


    What have been the key drivers that have seen the UK life run-off market double in size in only five years? Darryl Ashbourne provides his insight

  • Global Matters

    The end of an Alea


    Besieged Bermudan reinsurer Alea sells off key parts of its business.

  • Global Matters

    A Rosemont by any other name


    GoshawK signs Rosemont Re run-off deal.

  • GR Focus

    A class divide


    In light of the recent BAIC decision - now on appeal - Richard Gregorian and Devi Shah question what this means for future run-off cases

  • Features

    A wake -up call


    If the BAIC decision taught us anything, it's not to be complacent, warns John Winter

  • Global Matters

    Growing list of class actions


    Another class action suit brought against RenRe.