All Cat Risk articles
KCC: What’s causing market disruption and how to fix It
Karen Clark writes on the challenge facing catastrophe modelling, and the need for a major upgrade.
Debby insured loss capped at $1.5bn – Moody’s RMS
Catastrophe modeller Moody’s RMS’s Hurricane Debby estimate represents insured losses associated with wind, storm surge, and precipitation-induced flooding.
Verisk estimates Beryl US insured losses in $2-3bn range
The cat modeler’s estimate for Hurricane Beryl is based on industry insured losses to onshore property from wind.
Howden Tiger appoints Chattaraj chief science officer
An internal hire, Bhaskar Chattaraj takes on the newly-created role for the reinsurance broker.
Storms are getting stronger – Lockton Re climate study
Reinsurance broker Lockton Re has published a report on climate change and hurricane trends.
Reinsurance Resilience: Private Market Capital
While concerns regarding the selective appetite of private markets for backing catastrophic risk have unfolded in areas with large losses in recent years, the reinsurance market has become well-versed at overcoming major losses and has navigated a number of capital challenges following major disasters, such as the September 11 attacks, ...