Muireann Bolger

  • Claims

    On shaky ground


    As catastrophes wreak havoc across the world, reinsurers face the all too familiar aftershock of claims handling.We examine the continuing learning curve

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    Peacetime settlements


    Litigation may be thin on the ground, but some recent landmark cases have set new standards for future disputes in the reinsurance sector

  • Claims

    Details make the difference


    A soft reinsurance market is looming, and with it come fears of a rise in claims disputes as underwriters take bigger risks to drum up new business. We warn of the need to stay focused under pressure

  • Claims

    Uncharted waters


    The increasing frequency and severity of floods mean that more people want insurance cover. However, the risks and costs are soaring. Will companies rise to the challenge?

  • Profile

    Don’t panic


    He may have a tough act to follow, but incoming PartnerRe boss Costas Miranthis isn’t sweating it. Taking time out from a well-deserved holiday, he talks about staying calm and cautious – after all, even small steps can lead to new directions

  • Claims

    Deep impact


    Could we be on the brink of the next mega-quake? Six months on from Chile, we ask when and where we can expect future earth-moving – and no doubt market-moving – events

  • Crash dummies

    We are all crash dummies


    The current financial crisis tells us that risk management is vital for every bank and insurance company. Stress testing and scenario analysis will play a big part

  • Claims

    Global warning


    Three US Court of Appeals cases could open the floodgates to mass tort claims and immense liability, by holding greenhouse gas-spewing corporations responsible for climate change damage. Could reinsurers be facing the ‘new asbestos’?

  • News

    Culture clash


    A merger that looks great on paper can become unstuck when two disparate cultures collide, writes Muireann Bolger. Winning hearts and minds – one way or another – is vital to ensure a successful union

  • Claims

    Giant step forward


    Lloyd’s major transformation of the way that claims are processed promises to divide up responsibility for claims more efficiently. But the pilot is throwing up plenty of challenges

  • Cover Story

    Divide & conquer


    Aspen’s decision to split its reinsurance and insurance businesses has opened a new chapter for the Bermuda-based group. We meet the man at the helm, Chris O’Kane.

  • Claims

    Storm on the horizon


    Against all predictions to the contrary, 2009 was a relatively mild year for hurricanes. Global Reinsurance investigates what kept the tropical storms at bay, and how commercial and scientific factors will shape the cat market in 2010