Event registration for the largest global DE&I event is now open with over 130 sessions in 35+ countries


Registration for Dive In, the insurance industry’s longstanding festival promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), is now open via diveinfestival.com.

Taking place from 26 – 28 September, the London market founded festival will be hosted in a hybrid format, featuring both virtual and physical events across at least 35 countries.

This year, for the first time in its nine-year history, attendees will now be able to apply their participation towards fulfilling annual CPD/Continuing Education (CE) hours.

Jason Groves, chair of the Dive In Festival and international director of external affairs and media relations at Marsh McLennan, said: “Dive In has strived to become the most comprehensive hub for DE&I best practice, guidance, and resources in the insurance sector and beyond.

”The CPD accreditation of all Dive In events this year underscores the quality of our content and is recognition of the global impact the festival has had in changing the culture of the industry.”

The festival expects to attract over 24,000 participants across 130 different events in countries including America, South Africa and Singapore.

Unlocking innovation

The theme for Dive In 2023 is “Unlocking Innovation: The Power of Inclusion”.

It calls on stakeholders within the insurance industry to drive change that fosters greater inclusivity and propels innovation to address global challenges such as natural catastrophes, net-zero transition, and supply chain and cyber risks.

Francisco Martinez-Garcia, chief inclusion officer of Moody’s added: “As risks evolve, our business model depends on diverse perspectives to spark innovation. ‘Unlocking Innovation: The Power of Inclusion’ embodies our commitment to leverage diverse viewpoints for innovative solutions.

”We invite leaders, professionals, and allies to collaborate with us in championing talent, ensuring equity, and building a future that truly represents the diverse and unique needs of all.”

Learning from experts

Events in Australia, the United States, Switzerland, and Jordan, will delve into the impact of artificial intelligence on DE&I.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, UK, Peru, and The Netherlands, a spotlight will be shone on men’s contributions to advancing gender equity.

In Mexico and Ireland, events will explore how neurodiversity can power innovation.

Among the speakers and facilitators confirmed for the festival are Rhiannon Adam, the first openly queer person to travel into space, and quadruple amputee mountaineer, Jamie Andrew.

Windy Lawrence, general counsel and secretary of Sompo International Holdings and co-executive sponsor of Sompo International’s Inclusive Diversity Council says: “Dive In has grown far beyond its roots to become a global diversity and inclusion movement.

”Powerful topics around artificial intelligence, disability confidence, the trans experience, and events particularly targeted towards the c-suite demonstrate our commitment to addressing the most pressing issues in fostering inclusion.”

How to attend

For more details about events and speakers, and to register for event, visit the Dive In website. Events will be aired after the festival on the Dive In YouTube channel.

In anticipation of this year’s festival, attendees are encouraged to take part in Dive In’s #WorkYourWay social media campaign.

The initiative encourages individuals to share stories highlighting how different ways of working can fuel innovation and will be shared on Dive In’s social media platforms throughout September.