New Japanese preventative care insurance product to launch later this year

preventative care

Sompo Holdings and Aiaru Syougakutankihoken Corporation in Japan have today made positive strides in the area of preventative care and insurance.

The two firms have come together to roll out Japan’s first insurance dedicated to encouraging people requiring care to improve their condition – Asu e no Chikara.

The product, available from 1 September 2017, was born out of research in preventative care from insurance products and will be offered to users of Sompo Care Message and Sompo Care Next Inc.

According to reports from Sompo Holdings: “As Japan’s population ages, the number of people certified as requiring assistance or care is increasing, along with the amount of insurance benefits being paid under the public long-term care insurance system.”

With the new insurance product, users will be rewarded for the improvement of their required level of assistance and care.