Tim Evershed
- Analysis
The Modi Effect
India’s premier has revolutionised the countries financial sector and welcomed internationals - here’s how
- Analysis
India on the horizon
With its growing economy, huge agricultural sector and welcoming government, the worlds second-most populous country offers tremendous opportunities to reinsurers
- Analysis
Reinsurer investment strategies and Solvency II
How is Solvency II impacting the choices of the reinsurance company asset managers?
- Analysis
EU-US Insurance Agreement: what it means to reinsurance
The affects of removing transatlantic collateral requirements
- Analysis
Stress testing solar storm
What impact would an event like this have on our world today? Tim Evershed investigates
- Analysis
PPP and mature markets
We take a close look at the gaps in coverage in mature markets and explore how public private partnership can fill them
- News
Human-Induced seismicity, an increasing risk
Seven million people in the US, at risk from this peril
- News
How will EU cyber protection rules impact post-Brexit UK
A change of rules while affect UK companies
- Analysis
Hedging for renewables
An overview of how the insurance industry is tackling the modern energy market
- Analysis
Liability: Picking up the tab
Accidents like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill have woken underwriters up to the fact that offshore energy operations require much more complex cover
- Lines & Risks
When tweets go bad
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are providing companies with new ways to boost their profile and connect with customers. But, as the WikiLeaks scandal proves, Web 2.0 has its risks – and that’s where (re)insurers can help
- Lines & Risks
These climes, they are a-changing
Following a series of costly winter weather losses in Europe and North America, we look at whether recent cold snaps are an anomaly or part of a trend
- Lines & Risks
Watch this space
The risks involved in putting a satellite into operation highlight a clear need for (re)insurance. So what does it take for reinsurers to go into orbit in this highly specialised market?
- Claims
Take cover
The threat of terrorist attacks – both regional and global – is never far from the headlines. But it is an evolving picture that places ever-changing demands on the reinsurance sector
- News Agenda
Image is crucial
Is the reinsurance sector a victim of an inevitable industry cycle or does it have a more fundamental image problem?
- News
Capital and reinsurance: Glacier Re goes down
Hedge funds’ involvement in reinsurance through Glacier Re has been short and sweet. The decision to put the company into run-off is not down to losses but investors’ desire to withdraw